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Client Success: Tailored Solutions, Proven Outcomes.

Discover how our tailored software solutions have empowered businesses across various industries to overcome challenges and achieve remarkable success.

Case Studies.

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Inventory and Order Management System

Enhancing program coordination by automating data entry with the power of Google Cloud Functions, Firebase, Node.js, and Next.js.

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Training & Management Application

Driven by a commitment to innovation and efficiency, we aimed to revolutionize its outdated manual operations, by deploying an advanced technological solution. This ambitious project harnessed the power of C#, .NET, and React to forge a scalable, intuitive, and robust platform.


Equipment Resale Platform

Developed a user-friendly web application using NUXT, Node.js, TypeScript, and Firebase to help businesses easily register and list their used equipment for resale. This solution streamlined the resale process, resulting in increased listings, faster transactions, and high user satisfaction.

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Safety Assessment Application.

Empowering professionals to conduct detailed, metric-based home safety assessments both in-person and remotely using a modern technology stack—Azure for cloud infrastructure, Vue.js for the user interface, .NET for backend operations, and Netlify for seamless deployment.

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Custom Website Development

Elevating the digital footprint to draw in a broader spectrum of prospective customers through the implementation of user-focused design and cutting-edge Netlify development.

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Machine Downtime Application

Recognizing the need to enhance efficiency and accuracy, we developed a sophisticated application to monitor industrial machinery downtime, utilizing Azure and .Net technologies.

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