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Downtime Insight

Machine Downtime Application.

Recognizing the need to enhance efficiency and accuracy, we developed a sophisticated application to monitor industrial machinery downtime, utilizing Azure and .Net technologies.


About Downtime Insight

Downtime Insight, a dynamic player in the industrial sector, recognized a crucial need for an advanced system to track downtime across machines used in industrial settings. Faced with manual and time-consuming processes within their portfolio companies, Downtime Insight saw an opportunity to enhance efficiency and accuracy by developing a robust application. They engaged Pickrell Global Technologies to bring this innovative concept to life.

Technologies Used



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Their Challenge

Downtime Insight's existing manual processes for tracking downtime across multiple machines proved to be inefficient and prone to errors. To address this challenge, Downtime Insight envisioned an automated application that could streamline the tracking process, identify downtime trends, and ultimately boost operational efficiency.

Our Solution

Pickrell Global Technologies collaborated with Downtime Insight to revolutionize downtime tracking by crafting a bespoke application. This solution, developed from the ground up using Azure and Dotnet, automates machine downtime tracking, enhances data accuracy through reduced human error, and employs advanced analytics for trend analysis. These innovations enable proactive issue resolution, machine performance optimization, and minimized operational disruptions. Additionally, the application's strong reporting features offer real-time insights and detailed reports, aiding in informed decision-making and strategic planning.

The Conclusion

The collaboration between Downtime Insight and Pickrell Global Technologies resulted in a groundbreaking application that revolutionized downtime tracking in industrial settings. By automating processes, identifying trends, and providing comprehensive reporting, the application not only addressed existing challenges but also positioned Downtime Insight as an industry leader in operational efficiency. This case study exemplifies the power of innovative technology solutions in transforming manual processes and driving positive outcomes in industrial sectors.

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