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Loudoun Education Foundation 

Inventory Order & Management System.

Elevating program management efficiency through seamless data entry automation, utilizing the advanced capabilities of Google Cloud Functions, Firebase, Node.js, and Next.js.


About Loudoun Education Foundation

The Loudoun Education Foundation proudly runs a program named FUELED, aimed at guaranteeing that every student can access essential food and supplies. Initially, FUELED's program administrators found themselves tangled in the cumbersome and error-prone process of manually tracking inventory and orders using AirTables bases. However, the shift away from these manual operations to a more streamlined approach has freed up invaluable time for the administrators. This newfound time is now devoted to embarking on projects with a greater potential for meaningful impact.

Technologies Used




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Their Challenge

The Loudoun Education Foundation operates a program called FUELED which is designed to ensure that all students have access to food and basic necessities. The administrators of the FUELED program were managing all of their inventory and orders manually in AirTables bases, which was inefficient and inaccurate.

Our Solution

Utilizing Google Cloud Functions, Firebase, NodeJS and Next.js we built a custom order management solution for the FUELED administrators as well as a self-service portal for recipient schools to create and manage recurring orders. The application also provides robust reporting and analytics so that admins can easily gain insight into their inflow and outflow of supplies.

The Conclusion

By eliminating the manual task of entering and coordinating data across various platforms, the administrators of the FUELED program were able to reclaim precious time, channeling it towards more impactful and worthwhile projects.

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